Organizational matters and frequently asked questions

Here you will find frequently asked questions that our clients have asked over the past few years. If you have any questions about specific cases, please contact us directly. We will always treat your inquiry confidentially. Answers may vary depending on the circumstances.

Before the patent application

Reich-ip is a specialized patent law firm in the field of information technology (software/hardware). We also offer an individual service tailored to the needs of our clients, including advice on monetization, funding opportunities and the strategic direction of your patent portfolio. We cover the complete life cycle from invention disclosure to international patenting. We have positive references in all instances including the Federal Supreme Court.
A patent enables you to protect your idea and thus products regardless of the actual implementation or to achieve monetization through licensing or patent sales. Without patent protection, someone else can freely copy your idea. Code obfuscation typically circumvents copyright protection. Patents protect technical inventions such as software and/or hardware. For an invention to be patented, it must be new, involve an inventive step and be capable of industrial application. A patent is a prohibition right, i.e. the patent holder can decide who may use the patented invention and how, and prevent third parties from commercially exploiting it.
Software patents have developed their own case law and are therefore to be treated differently from conventional patents. An invention can be granted if a technical problem is solved by technical means. Typically, however, improvements in terms of memory optimization, hardware efficiency, security, bandwidth optimization, etc. can be identified. We specifically ask about this in an invention discussion and are particularly experienced in computer-implemented inventions.
Yes, after targeted elaboration this is the case. We regularly publish specialist articles on this and share our knowledge. You can find selected articles here .
To check whether your product or idea has already been invented and patented by someone else, you can consult a patent attorney who can carry out a search of existing patents. You can already present your own search results.
Most inventions are improvements to existing products. As long as your invention is new and not obvious compared to what is already known to the public, you can obtain a patent for it. A detailed improvement is often sufficient.
The patent application process begins with a detailed consultation (we typically invite you to a video conference), during which we examine your idea, the possibilities for protection and patentability. We then prepare the patent documents and submit them to the relevant offices (e.g. the German Patent and Trademark Office, DPMA, or the European Patent Office, EPO). After examination by the patent office, a decision is made on whether to grant the patent.
For the application, we need a description of your invention, technical drawings (if relevant) and optionally other documents such as technical data or test protocols. In an initial consultation, we will clarify with you which documents are specifically required for your project. No source code needs to be disclosed. There is also no need to have a finished product or provide a prototype.
You can contact us by WhatsApp or email to arrange a non-binding consultation. During the first meeting, we will clarify all organizational questions, discuss your concerns and create an individual plan for your project. We will call you back immediately after your request.

After the patent application

The time it takes for a patent to be granted depends on several factors, such as the type of invention and the responsible patent office. As a rule, the procedure takes between two and four years. Accelerated procedures are possible under certain conditions.
It depends on where you want protection and your budget. We can advise you on your strategy. For protection in several countries with one patent, we recommend a European patent. We offer patenting in all commercially relevant countries in the world. Our clients typically seek protection in at least Europe, the USA, India and China.
International applications are usually filed via the PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty). The application is first filed in a member state, which serves as the basis for further international registration. We coordinate the entire process and ensure that all deadlines and requirements are met in the target countries.


The costs depend on the scope of the application, the complexity of the invention and the fees charged by the relevant patent office. They include consultation and preparation of the application documents, official fees and possible translation costs. You will receive a transparent cost estimate from us in a non-binding initial consultation. A European patent can cost around 10,000 to 15,000 euros. You can claim this against tax. There are funding opportunities that can cover the entire costs.
We can advise you on suitable funding programs for your project, whether national or international. These include, for example, funding for research and development or grants for the costs of patent applications. We help you to identify suitable programs and support you in the application process.
In addition to the application costs, there are annual fees for maintaining a patent. These fees increase over the years. We monitor the deadlines and inform you in good time about upcoming payments in order to maintain your property rights.

Patent exploitation/ monetization

You get the right to prevent others from making, using, selling, offering for sale or importing your patented invention for a limited time (in most cases twenty years after filing the application). This is a powerful right because it is a limited monopoly that can give you a significant market advantage.
A patent offers you numerous possibilities for exploitation. You can market your innovation yourself in the form of protected products or conclude license agreements to allow other companies to use it for a fee. Alternatively, you can sell your patent or patent portfolio. We support you in identifying potential licensees or buyers and developing suitable strategies for exploitation.
The success of a patent depends not only on its scope of protection, but also on how well it is used strategically. We advise you on the optimal scope of protection, the identification of licensees and the positioning of your innovation on the market. We also support you in developing a strong patent portfolio that will strengthen your competitive position in the long term.
The market value of a patent depends on its applicability, market demand and the scope of protection. Patents relating to high-growth technologies such as artificial intelligence, electromobility or semiconductor technology often have a particularly high value. We help you to maximize the economic benefit of your patent and strategically exploit its potential.
Yes, patents are assets that can be sold, licensed or transferred to others. A patent marketplace such as can be used to sell your patent.
If someone infringes your patent, you can file a lawsuit for damages or apply for an injunction to prevent further infringements.
You do not enter into any liabilities. If you send us a corresponding instruction, we will immediately terminate all cost-incurring procedural steps. The property right then lapses due to non-payment. Procedural steps that have already been initiated must be settled. If you no longer need your patent application or patent, you can offer the project for sale.

Please contact us immediately in case of further questions.